From the Archive

Nature’s own pharmacy

Welcome to 2022! For some people, the new year means setting health goals, such as losing weight, following a healthier diet, and starting an exercise routine. But these resolutions tend to be restrictive, expensive and unsustainable so we need achievable goals. But a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be costly. Try the suggestions below. They are beneficial and cost effective.

NUTRITION: Whole foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts contain an abundance of nutrients our body needs. Following a whole-food-based diet may significantly reduce heart disease risk factors, body weight, and blood sugar levels, as well as decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. Here are a few tips to help you eat healthy while saving money:

Start a herb garden, buy seasonal produce, plan and prep your meals, buy generic brands and look out for deals. Eat the rainbow – fruits and vegetables of different colours every day!.

EXERCISE: In the old days too much hard work rapidly wore people out.  Nowadays our bodies can decay because of inactivity. In January gym membership increases by 12 per cent as many people purchase expensive memberships for fitness programs. But though most people start strong, the majority don’t make their new routine into a lasting habit. 

Regular physical activity, either in the form of gardening, cycling or walking makes you breathe more deeply.  This is nature’s best way for combatting stress, tension, insomnia and depression. It also makes you sweat and that eliminates waste products so the body functions better.  

Find a fresh air activity you love and set an attainable goal – for example a walk three or four specific days per week instead of daily. This way your new routine will last and lessen the chance of early burn out.  T

WATER:  Clean and adequate water does wonders for our body. Six to eight glasses a day is required. You can start by drinking 2-3 cups of slightly lukewarm water about an hour before breakfast.

SUNLIGHT: Many of the best things in life are free.  Sunshine is one of them.  Spend as much time as possible outdoors when the sun shines. It provides Vitamin D which is vital for the body’s absorption of calcium. to prevent brittle bones. Take Vitamin D supplements in the winter.

AIR: Many of us breathe polluted air and spend too much time indoors where the air is stale with too little oxygen.  This causes us to become pale, depressed and our minds are foggy. Try to go out regularly in green open spaces and rural areas with fresh air and keep your homes well ventilated.  It’s not just about accessing fresh air but learning to breathe correctly. During exercise we naturally increase the rate, not the depth of our breathing.  Practicing abdominal breathing technique will allow air to stream deep into your lungs and stale air to be fully expelled. Abdominal breathing soothes our nervous system, promotes digestion and ensures sound sleep.  

REST: The competitive world is stressful so rest is more necessary than ever. Sleep with  windows slightly open, weather permitting.  Get to bed early, try to get eight hours sleep..  

Learn to relax. Take short breaks often, ten minutes every hour is better than twenty minutes every two hours. Practice deep breathing techniques.

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