Guidelines for Newham Voices contributors
Newham Voices is committed to citizen journalism. Our aim is to provide you with a platform to tell your stories and to express your views. With this in mind, our small team of professionals are happy to work with you to develop your ideas into a finished article for publication.
We are committed to giving you a voice. And as a not for profit organisation, we couldn’t do it without you!
So, if you have an idea for a news story, opinion piece or feature article, please contact us to discuss it.
In the meantime, these submission guidelines might help:
- Features: Between 500 and 700 words focusing on a particular community organisation, project or topic relevant to Newham. Depending on the subject matter, this can be written in a less formal, more creative style either in the first person if you are writing about your own project or reported if you are writing about the work of others.
- Interviews: Up to 500 words focusing on someone who has an active role in the community or who is in the public eye and lives in Newham.
- News stories Please contact our Editor to discuss this before beginning any work on the story. We can discuss the best way to handle this, either giving you guidance or appointing a professional journalist to work with you.
- Comment: Up to 450 words about an issue on which you have some informed insight and opinions to share
- Events articles and listings: Up to 250 words on a major event taking place in the Borough. Please remember that you will need to think ahead about our deadlines to ensure that we can get the article into our edition before the event is held. We publish at the beginning of each month, which means that the latest copy deadline is in the middle of the previous month. For example, if your event is in early October, you will need to let us have copy by mid-August so that we can get something into our September edition.
- Letters: We welcome letters on any topic that you feel would be of interest to our readers. Please include your name, email address and either your street address, or name of the organisation you are writing on behalf of.
- Photographs and illustrations Please provide a photograph of yourself or the person/event/project you are writing about to the highest possible quality available on your device